Various Christian Artists

Sunday, March 2, 2008

Character 101

To all my dear n276 brothers hope that this can help us all to grow even more.
I really felt being lead by the Spirit to share what i've learn tyesterday in th yk's manhood confrence.
The title is Character 101 and it speaks about our character that can lead us to grow...

In 2 Tim.2:1
You therefore,My son,be strong in the grace that is in Christ Jesus.
In here we see that God has called us His son and telling us to be strong in the grace of our Lord...Which means that God wanted us to Rise up and grow from strenght to strength and from glory to glory...

And in Deut.2:6
"You shall buy food from them with money,that you may eat;and you shall also buy water from them,that you my drink."For the food in here speaks of the word of God that satisfy our hunger and the water is the presence of the Spirit that quenches our thirst..Coz we can't be able to grow without the word of God and the Holy Spirit.

In 2 Tim.2:2
And the things that you have heard from man among many witnesses,commit these to the Faithful men who will be able to Teach others also.
Well we know that we are all able to do things and to perform our talent.But What God had said in here is that we are to be faithful in the things that we do.
We can't do things with our abilities without faithfulness and we can't be able to work faithfully without abilities.
For Faithfulness is the conerstone to character.
And we need to be Teachability.And taechability is the ability to learn from anyone at anytimeregardless of age and intelligence.
-The reason for unteachability is stuborness,it is the call to ignorance.

For there are 3 points that we can note about character..
point 1:The difference between character and ability is that your character can take you to where your ability can't sustain you.
For we have all read about Abraham that when ever he stop at a place to rest he will built an altar there to God before he pitches his tent.
Which means that we must learn to build our character to be like God and then go on to sharpen our abilities.

Point 2:Age has nothing to do on how develope our character is,Maturing on the other hand comes untill the acceptance of responsibility.
-How we handle presure shows how mauture we are.
And the responsibilities that God has place in us is,
to be the Priest first which is to guard the people aroung us like our family and etc.then to Phrophet which is to share the word to others and to guide them in the right path.and lastly to King which is to govern the people and win more lost for Him.
In Jn.8:32
It says that "And you shall know the truth,and the truth shall set you free."
The incorruptable seed of truth that is in us given by the word of God.
-For the critirial of our heart is the truth and only truth can serve the purpose of God.
-For whatever we practice in private,we will eventually practice it in public also.
-And that sucess only comes when we're faithful in the things that we do.
"He who is faithful in the least is also faithful in much..."

And in the bible He speaks of Fiathful Growth in faith which is in 2 Pet.1:5-15 the 7 critirial to look out for inorder for us to grow.
1:Faith Virtue.-Which is the Strength to help us all stand upon the word firmly against the devils temtatons.
6:Brotherly kindness

Whereas in 2 Tim.3:1-5 it speaks of the 5 sins of what earthen beings have which is against the Spisit of God.They are;
4:Tempting Christ

-For the wisdom of God will reveals things and on the otherhand human wisdom will cover it up.
-And Gods wisdom will cleanse us and scrub us totally clean.

So Friends i really hope that by sharing will help us all to grow though it is what was being thaught in the manhoods conference.But Everyone is a child of God ya?
So let us all Rise up and do more things for God Amen?
May God bless N276 and make our cg to grow and mulitply...
And i thank God for me to atten this meeting so that i can share it to all of you.
In Jesus name i thank you Lord.Amen!

From steven.N276 forever!!