Various Christian Artists

Sunday, November 25, 2007

HE can move the mountains

hey ppl,

i just wanna encourage u guys to really pray. Becos Prayer is the key to moving God's hand. These days hve been very tough for me, but then God showed Himself to me, each n everytime. We all believe in the same God, if He can come real for me, He can come real for u too!

Always remember:

Saviour, He can move the mountains,
my God is mighty to save, He is mighty to save
forever, author of salvation
He rose and conquer the grave,
Jesus conquer the grave!

If our God can even conquer the grave, wht else can He not do?

In times of trouble, it is easy for us to just give up on this journey, but is only when u hang on, then u can see ur victory, ur breakthrough

Have a good week everyone!

Do keep me in prayers in area of my fyp presentation this wed
n also my thumbdrive wil be found
my tests will get good results

do rmb to sms those that are busy with exams.


vonne =)

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